2MMC10 Cryptology - Fall 2022

Contents Announcements Exams Literature Videos Course notes & exercise sheets Follow-up courses Old Exams

Tanja Lange
Coding Theory and Cryptology
Eindhoven Institute for the Protection of Information
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Room MF 6.104B
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven

Phone: +31 (0) 40 247 4764

The easiest ways to reach me wherever I am:



Note that one of the course requirements is algebra. I will not repeat basic background on groups, rings and fields in class. If you don't have the necessary background, take the summer and work through the "Number Theory and Algebra" script.


It is not necessary to purchase a book to follow the course. Previous versions of this course used Henk van Tilborg's "Fundamentals of Cryptology", Kluwer academic Publishers, Boston, 2000. But the book is out of print. A preliminary author's copy by Henk can be downloaded in pdf form here and as a mathematica worksheet here.
Other books you might find useful (in alphabetical order):

You can also find a lot of information (though not written as a textbook) in the Handbook of Applied Cryptography. Note that the authors were so nice to offer chapters of HAC online for download.


The exam will take place online 1 Nov 13:30 - 16:30 using Ans Delft. After the exam you have 30 min during which you need to record a video of you explaining your solution.

I have made some practice exam available for testing the interface. That exam is mostly for testing knowledge, just to see how Ans works. The study admin people were super fast and added you to the course in Ans Delft so you can log in with your TU/e student credentials to find the exams for 2MMC10. The real exam is called "2MMC10_Cryptology_Q1_21/22_Final Exam". That's not available, yet, of course. You will find the practice exam there to see how Ans Delft works. This practice exam will be available till 31 Oct 12:00. You can use the arrows in the bottom row to jump between exercises or click on the boxes in the middle to navigate between exercise parts. Note that each exercise stars with some definitions that you need to read before you can do the exercise parts.

There are two question types: numerical questions that take a single number as answer and open-answer questions that give you a text editor to enter your answer. You must enter your answer by typing. Do not write on paper and send photos. You may use latex formatting to make your answer look better but this is not a requirement. Latex mode is started and ended by typing two dollar signs next to each other. The text will render nicely once you have clicked outside the text field. Check out the practice exam on Ans Delft to experiment with how to enter text and formulas.

After the exam you will get access to the exercises and your answers through Ans Delft. You then have 30 min to record a video of you. The video should start with you presenting your student ID and saying your name. Then you explain your solution to 3 exercise parts. You may choose these parts yourself among the exercise parts that are not numerical questions but those that required some text in the answer field. An exercise part is any piece that has it's own answer field, so I don't expect all parts of exercise 3 for example and you an pick parts of different exercises to explain. Aim for 5 min, but up to 10 min is OK. This videos will be used only to establish that you are the person who wrote those exercises, it does not influence your grade. Name the file as
ID_{student ID]_[Last name].[file format]
filling in your TU/e student ID, your last name, and the file format (mp4, webm) instead of the brackets and upload your file to Surfdrive (file drop only, this implies that you cannot see your own file after upload, but you can ask Tanja to check).
You should upload your video by 17:00 for regular time, 17:30 if you got extra time. If your connection is too slow, store the video on your computer and compute the SHA-256 checksum of it and mail that to Tanja Lange before the deadline you can continue to upload your video after the deadline.

If you want to practice file upload, use the Surfdrive test site (file drop only, this implies that you cannot see your own file after upload, but you can ask Tanja to check).

If you want to opt out of recording a video, please contact me (Tanja) at the latest on 30 Oct, but preferrably earlier, to schedule a short online interview right after the exam. The interview covers the same as the video, so you will need a camera, show your student ID and say how you solved the exercises, but it will not be recorded. We do not have capacity to offer this to all 100 of you but by experience we have enough capacity to handle everybody who is concerned about having their video on surfdrive. Note that in any case I will delete all videos after the grades are announced.

The cover sheet states all information on permitted materials. Here is the cover sheet you'll encounter for this exam (up to changes in the dates).
I should also warn you that when I click on "Start the test" I do see "Just a moment, we're preparing your test" for longer than what I would consider a moment. You're all getting your very personal exams with numbers generated just for you, so I think it's doing that while you're waiting. Don't panic when that happens. I has worked out for me each time.

The resit for 2MMC10 is planned for 24 Jan 2023 18:00 – 21:00. The format will be the same as for the first exam. Note that I will add ChatGPT to the list of forbidden contacts. The link for uploading videos for the resit is hee.


The videos from this course appear on this page of videocollege,tue.nl. You can find older editions of this course here. Note that this page shows lectures from multiple years and that there are some differences between the course versions; I taught the course in 2019 and my colleague Andreas Hülsing taught in 2018, so you can get different explanations.
For the 2021 edition of the course I recorded a lot of short videos which you can find on the YouTube Channel.
course page for 2021 has short descriptions of all videos, slides, and no-cookie links to the YouTube videos. Watch them from there if you're on a low-cookie diet. For even fewer cookies, you can find the videos on surfdrive. File names match the file names of the slides.

Class notes & exercises

This section is extended through the course with notes of what happened in class and links to blackboard pictures.

06 Sep 2022
This lecture was given by Florian Weber.
General introduction to cryptography; concepts public key, symmetric key cryptography, and hash functions.
Spoiler alert! Don't follow the upcoming link if you sill want to solve exercise 1 yourself.
As an example we attacked the "Perfect Code Public Key System" by Fellows and Koblitz. Attention, this was never proposed for cryptography but only as a teaching tool.
I don't have the slides from Florian, yet, here are the slides from last year pdf for the perfect code system. Other hints:

08 Sep 2022
We covered Diffie-Hellman key exchange and related problems (computational Diffie-Hellman problem, decisional Diffie-Hellman problem, and discrete logarithm problem) abstractly,.
Then we covered the clock group over the reals (or rational numbers) as a bad example where the attacker can easily solve the discrete logarithm problem, but this study also gave us the addition formulas for the clock group which we then used to consider the clock group over the integers modulo a prime. This is an example of a cryptosystem against which the best attacks have subexponential (but superpolynomial) complexity; we will get to this attack much later.
Finally we saw Edwards curves and the addition law and how much it resembles addition on the clock.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year you should watch the first three videos on elliptic curves. It's not a 1-to-1 match (some missing, some extra) but covers the core.
Homework is optional. If you want feedback, please submit by next Thu (15 Sep) before 10:30 through Canvas. Please submit in groups of 2-3 people; we do not have capacity to grade everybody individually. Here is the first homework sheet.
The pdf file has been updated to fix exerice 1 (1 missing on right side of the equation) and 2 (the point of order 2 is (0,-1)).
Pictures of blackboards are here.

13 Sep 2022
Recap of Edwards curves; proof that denominators are never 0 over the reals if d is negative. For the proof that there are no exceptions over F_p for p>2 and d a non-square please watch ECC from the YouTube Channel.
We showed that the points on Edwards curves form a group under this addition with neutral element (0,1) (see homework) and -(x,y)=(-x,y). The group is commutative. The number of points on the curve over F_p is in [p+1-2√ p, p+1+ 2 &rad; p].
Twisted Edwards curves are a generalization of Edwards curves but the number of points over any finite field remains divisible by 4. This will be shown once we cover Montgomery curves.
FInally we covered Weierstrass curves and showed how isomorphisms let us take the long Weierstrass form and (for characteristic not equal to 2 or 3) move to the short Weierstrass form. I finished with showing pictures of the addition law but haven't written out the formulas, yet.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year you should watch ECC IV and V. It's not a 1-to-1 match (some missing, some extra) but covers the core.

Pictures of blackboards are here.

15 Sep 2022
Recap of Weierstrass curve addition. We developed the addition formulas incl. proving that there is exactly one 3rd. point on the curve for a line of the form v= λ u + μ and then showed that there are 5 cases to consider for the inputs for addition. The Weierstrass form is the most general curve equation for elliptic curves but also the most annoying to implement – missing one of the special cases can cause wrong resutls and in crypto that's often enough for an attacker to get in.
Montgomery curves are another special curve shape; we covered the addition law (to the extent that it differs from the Weierstrass case); showed that over a finite field that are 3 points of order 2 or points of order 4 (meaning that the group order is always divisible by 4); and then showed that Montgomery curves and twisted Edwards curves are birationally equivalent.
Inversions are computationally expensive, so for efficient implementations we like to work with fractions and clear denominators only at the end of the computation. Geometrically, this means working with projective coordinates (the normal coordinates that we've looked at are called affine coordinates) and instead of using just two coordinates (x,y) we work with three (X:Y:Z) with the understanding that x=X/Z and y=Y/Z; this requires Z nonzero and means that we do not have a unique representation (the : in (X:Y:Z) are used by convention to indicate the redundancy of the representation; note (X:Y:Z)=(cX:cY:cZ) for nonzero c). I showed how the Edwards curve addition law looks using projective coordiantes and then showed Curve25519 as a real-world example of what you use in Signal, WhatsApp, and https for doing a key exchange. I used slides to show these latter items.

Homework is optional. If you want feedback, please submit by next Thu (22 Sep) before 10:30 through Canvas. Please submit in groups of 2-3 people; we do not have capacity to grade everybody individually. Here is the 2nd homework sheet.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year you should watch ECC V, VI, and IX. It's not a 1-to-1 match (some missing, some extra) but covers the core.

20 Sep 2022
We covered the double-and-add method and its speedup in the windowing method. An attacker might be able to obtain side channel information, such as timing (at different levels of precision), electomagnetic radiation, or power consumption and from this infer information on the secret scalar that was being used. I showed the timing distribution from some TPMs (Trusted Platform modules) from TPM-Fail where you can clearly see the influence of length of a and Hanning weight of a. In several cases this leakes 12 bits; for Diffie-Hellman that's not a big problem, but for the signature system that they were attacking it was -- and you don't know where your scalar multiplication will be used. In terms of defenses, we covered the double-and-always add menthod and the Montgomery ladder; the latter is interesting for efficient implementations as it ensures that each addition is an addition of points with known, fixed difference P. On Montgomery curves, such differential additions can be efficiently commputed using only the u-coordinates of the points and their difference. I showed the projective version of this computation. All of this is covered in these slides, I also scribbled a small example of computing 42P on the board.
If you want to see a lot more on side-channel attacks and countermeasures, check out the CHES conference series. Talks are available on YouTube on the "The IACR" channel.
For the second half we covered attacks on the discrete logarithm problem, starting from the naive search through all multiples of P to randomizing the target, turning one target into many, and more, how many targets are useful at most, and how to systematize this. This led us to (a transposed version of) the Baby-Step-Giant-Step (BSGS) attack, which computes a = i - jm mod N for m=√ N and 0≤ i,j ≤ m. Hence, the DLP in a group is no harder than the square root of the group order.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - IX and DLP I - II.

22 Sep 2022
Complexity estimates for BSGS, big-O notation, worst-case and average-case cost for BSGS for computation and storage.
Birthday paradox and how we can use this to develop a probabilistic algorithm that also runs in time √N but does not require storage. Pollard's rho method with Floyd's cycle-finding method runs in O(√N) and only uses two points. The pseudorandom function f can just be some hash of the coordinates of W which produces b and c (we'll see a cheaper way next week). Getting the DL a from the collision is just computing a=(bj-bi)/(ai-aj) modulo N. Finally we looked at van Oorschot and Wiener's parallel collision search to use T computers efficiently to solve the DLP T times faster. The attack designer can choose the frequency of distinguished points to control the lengths of the walks, storage (and communicaion) costs, For solving DLs we recompute the whole walk up to the DP to get the coefficients; when we see this method again in breaking hash functions it's important to find the first collision. I used slides to show what the resulting graphs look like.

Homework is optional. If you want feedback, please submit by next Thu (29 Sep) before 10:30 through Canvas. Please submit in groups of 2-3 people; we do not have capacity to grade everybody individually. Here is the homework sheet.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - IX and DLP I - V, apart for the additive walks. You should now be able to solve the exercises from the presence exercise sheets from 2021 up to and including exercise 5 on sheet 3. Solve those for checking your progress.

27 Sep 2022
We covered additive walks as a cheaper alternative to doing one double-scalar multiplication per step and analyzed the effect of anti-collisions which make these walks less random. Given k different stepps (we looked at k= 10, 100, and 2^m) the effect is a slowdown of Pollard rho by a factor of 1/\radic(1-1/k), so we need to choose k large enough.
For these walks we work with unique representatives of points, so we need to use affine coordinates rather than projective ones, and there Weierstrass curves are faster. We can use the birational equivalence to move our attack targets to Weierstrass form. See the lecture of 20 Sep regarding projective and affine coordinates.

To solve the DDHP (P,aP,bP,cP) we can see whether we have any tests failing for a*b = c mod N. If N is even, we can easily test whether the parity of c matches that of a*b by computing the parity of a (and if necessary of b). We get the parity by computing (N/2)(aP) which is 0P if a is even and (N/2)P is a is odd. We can do similar test for any divisor of N.
The Pohlig-Hellmann attack turns the informartion of a modulo divisors of N into a DLP attack on aP which recovers a if the prime factors of N are small enough. Important For N = \Pi pi ei the attack solves ei DLPs in a group of size pi, not one DLP inn a group of size pi ei. I showed slides to give a numerical example and to highlight the different costs of what you might try to do in sort of following this attack idea. These costs state the costs of the DLPs; the scalar multiplications don't matter asymptotically, and the CRT computation is very fast. The slides also contain a systematic statement of how to run the Pohlig-Hellman attack which you should look at and understand.
If you don't remember how the CRT computation works, take a looks at this YouTube video I made for 2WF80 and the corresponding slides.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - IX and DLP I - VIII.

Further reading on DLP:

29 Sep 2022
This lecture was devoted to hash functions. We first did a round of informal definitions of preimage resistance, second-preimage resistance, and collision resistance and how long attacks should take against good hash functions. If you have a bad hash functions, e.g. just take the integers mod 2^128 to get a 128-bit output, these can be computed much faster.
Then we analyzed details of how to apply what we learned about Pollard's rho method to compute collisions of hash functions without needing much memory. Note that there was a typo on the last line of the blackboard in that the comarision should take xi,k and compare it with xj,k+lj-li. The i and j were missing. This has been fixed (in yellow) on the picture of the board.
In the second hour we covered the same security notions in a formal way. We needed to introduce keyed hash functions in order to be able to formalize collision resistance. The slides recapped the language of complexity theory and reductions between algorithms. We showed that CR reduces to SPR while the relation between SPR and PRE is less clear and depends on the ratio l(n)/n. I used slides for hash III and hash IV for this. I briefly showed how sponge functions work, these are modern examples of hash functions. They have the benefit that we only need to study the function f in cryptanalysis and can reduce the properties of the hash function to properties of f. To learn more about it check out the full slide set hash V and the corresponding video.

Homework is optional. If you want feedback, please submit by next Thu (06 Oct) before 10:30 through Canvas. Please submit in groups of 2-3 people; we do not have capacity to grade everybody individually. Here is the homework sheet.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - IX, DLP I - VIII, and hash I - V.

Further reading on hash functions

04 Oct 2022
The lesson of the Pohlig-Hellman attack is that the DLP is no harder than the DLP in the largest prime-order subgroup, so we try to choose points P with prime order l; there might be some cofactor c so that the curve has c*P points.
We covered how to use symmetries to gain a speedup in attacking ECC. These symmetries will come back a few more times, so we spent some extra time on this. In principle we gain a √2 speedup from identifying a point with its negative when using the Pollard rho method. However, This requires attention to redefine the walk and causes fruitless cycles of length 2 with probabllity 1/(2k) if the step function has k different steps. We covered how to escape from cycles (pick a unique representative of the points in the cycle and double that) to ensure that we do not destroy collisions by taking different exits from the cycle. We covered this part in more detail than in talk ECC XII on the videos, so students following remotely should watch the first 30-40 min of today's lecture or at least study the blackboard picktures.
We then covered properties of signatures: authenticity, integrity, and non-repudiation, meaning that the message really came from the sender, was not modified, and the sender cannot claim not to have sent it. A signature scheme is part of public-key cryptography; the public key is used to verify a signature while the private key is used to sign. Note that the message is known to the sender and the verifier.
As a step towards signature schemes we covered Schnorr's identificaion scheme which is a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of the discrete log of PA. We showed why this is zero knowlege and why it proves that A knows a with Pa =aP. In Schnorr signatures the random challenge picked by the verifier is replaced by the output of a hash function which is computed over the message and the commitment. I didn't have enough time to show EdDSA and ECDSA, these are shown at the end of ECC XI, please look at the slides (and video). I will briefly state one of them at the beginning of the next lecture for some additional comments on symmetries but expect that you have seen the systems. EdDSA is a direct instatiation of Schnorr signatures with some improvements and handling that the basepoint P has order N/8 (where N is the total number of points on the curve and N/8 is prime). ECDSA is slightly different in the order of how the operands are combined and is more annoying in the verification because we need to compute inverses modulo the order of P -- which is a good reason in addition to Pohlig-Hellman to choose groups of prime order.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - XII, DLP I - VIII, and hash I - V.

06 Oct 2022
I failed to take photos; so here is a more detailed description of what we did.
We started with some comments on signature systems. A scheme is considered broken if an attacker can produce a new valid signature (R',s') different from any (R,s) they have seen. Note, that m can be there same here. Schemes like ECDSA that only use the x-coordinate of a point and do not include R in the hash inputs are malleable, meaning that one can state a different signature for the same m by flipping signs. This is not considered an attack but is not really desired either. In the homework you'll see that this enables an evil Alice to craft a private key a that allows her to sign two chosen but fixed messages m1 and m2 with the same signature, so that she could later claim that her signature on m1 was a signature on m2. Note that doing this also reveals her private key. The Sony playstation disaster (see 27C3 talk PS3 Epic Fail) gives a real-world example where Sony failed to update the random r. As you will also see in the homework, this means you can compute a from just two signatures. To avoid this fragility, EdDSA picks r peudorandomly, by generating the private key as (a,b), with a the usual DL of the public key and b a seed for generating r = hash(b,m), so ensure that different messages lead to differnt r.

In symmetric crypto A and B share a key k. They then use it to encrypt their message. Note that they will also need to ensure authenticity and integrity of the message, we will cover that in the next lecture. Today we covered block ciphers and modes; you should watch Tomer Ashur's awesome videos symmetric crypto, stream ciphers, block ciphers, and modes of operation. We covered block ciphers; these are maps that take an l-bit key and an n-bit plaintext and produce an n-bit ciphertext so that Dec(k,Enc(k,m)) = m. We want a block cipher to be indistinguishable from a pseudo-random permutation(PRP). As an example we studied the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) and also how small variations can lead to catastrophic attacks. The slides are here and here. These attacks give a taste of how symmetric-key cryptanalysis works, showing small examples of linear and differential attacks as well as the slide attack. For more on this, take the Selected Areas in Cryptology course next spring.
I briefly commented that the Electronic Codebook mode (ECB), which just encrypts each block independently, is a bad mode. The picture to have in mind is the ECB penguin which shows the issue with repeating plaintext blocks leading to the same ciphertext blocks. We covered Counter mode, where ci = m + Enc(IV,i), for some randomly chosen initialization vector IV and counter i in binary representation. The ciphertext needs to include IV so that the receiving party can decrypt. Decryption is easy: mi = ci + Enc(IV,i). The n-bit block input to Enc gets split between IV and the counter. The counter limits how many blocks can be sent with the same IV. To encrypt longer messages, pick another IV, this costs < n bits. If the IV repeated then two messages would be encrypted by adding the same strings, which would be a security problem, so IV needs to be long enough to make this unlikely; note that the birthday paradox applies for randomly chosen IVs, so if n=128 gets split into 96 bits for the IV and 32 bits for the counter then a new key needs to be chosen after about 2^48 encryptions (2^(96/2)). After that many messages a new key needs to be used (generated by using Diffie-Hellman or as k' = h(k) for some hash function h).

Homework is optional. If you want feedback, please submit by next Thu (13 Oct ) before 10:30 through Canvas. Please submit in groups of 2-3 people; we do not have capacity to grade everybody individually. Here is the homework sheet.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - XII, DLP I - VIII, hash I - V, symmetric I - VI.
As said above, I don't have pictures of the board but Iris let me copy her handwritten notes. Here are the photos of her lecture notes. Another student, Xander Smeets, shared his handwritten notes with me (in pdf format).

11 Oct 2022
A Message-Authentication Code (MAC) ensures authenticity and integrity of messages between two users sharing a key. The authentication tag should be such that an attacker has only negligible chance of forging a valid message. We apply the MAC to the ciphertext so that the decryption key gets used only on ciphertexts that are valid. Always use a MAC when encrypting, we want authenticated encryption. As an example we covered Wegman-Carter MACs, first as a small example and then Poly1305 which is deployed in practice; see the last slide of sym-7.pdf for full details of Poly1305.

For RSA encryption we covered the attack scenarios OW (one wayness) and IND (indistinguishability) and the attacker powers KOA (key-only attack), CPA (chosen plaintext attack), and CCA (chosen ciphertext attack). For public-key encryption the attacker can always encrypt chosen plaitexts, so has at least CPA power. After seeing KeyGen, Enc, and Dec for RSA we observed that it is not IND-CPA because it is deterministic and it is not OW-CCA because it is homomorphic. I showed RSA-OAEP from the last slide of rsa-1.pdf.
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - XII, DLP I - VIII, hash I - V, symmetric I - VII (the first 4 are on Tomer Ashur's channel), and RSA-I,.

13 Oct 2022
We covered RSA signatures, RSA-CRT incl. how it is used in GPG, primality tests (Fermat, Miller--Rabin), the Pocklington primality proof (see the last slide of rsa-3.pdf), and several factorization methods. For the latter I showed how congruences of squares lead to factorization, so that computing square roots modulo n is as hard as factoring n (in the lead up to the Miller-Rabin test). Dixon's method builds congruences of squares, each step requires the factorization of an auxillary number, but those are easy to factor. See rsa-6.pdf for Dixon's method. For these auxillary methods I mentioned trial division as a useful subroutine; for larger factors you want to use Pollard's rho method for factoring and the p-1 method (and generalizations to p+1 and ECM). We covered p-1 and will do rho next week. I showed some numerical examples from rsa-5.pdf for the p-1. Note that you need at least one of the factors of n to divide the gcd and one not to divide it.

Homework is optional. If you want feedback, please submit by next Thu (20 Oct ) before 10:30 through Canvas. Please submit in groups of 2-3 people; we do not have capacity to grade everybody individually. Here is the homework sheet.
Pictures of blackboards are here.

If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - XII, DLP I - VIII, hash I - V, symmetric I - VII (the first 4 are on Tomer Ashur's channel), and RSA I - III and V - VI.

18 Oct 2022
Pollard's rho method for factorization looks for collisions in a random walk modulo p, so should find them after √p steps. gcd computations turn into the bottleneck, so we combine them into one single gcd computation at the end of the computation at the expense of one multiplication per step.
A big factorization attack using the Number Field Sieve factors the auxillary numbers by first doing trial division, then rho, then p-1 and ECM, keeping only those numbers that factor sufficiently well. Actually the NFS sieves for small primes, rather than doing trial division.

Coppersmith's attack works when we know some parts of the prime, and I showed on the example of https://smartfacts.cr.yp.to that this can happen in practice. See rsa-9.pdf and rsa-10.pdf for the slides I showed.
In this lecture we used Coppersmith's method and LLL as black boxes, then explained what LLL does and how it works. In the next lecture we'll see when and how Coppersmith's method works and how to use it on stereotyped messages; another example of wrong use of RSA. We used the first 2 full pages of rsa-11.pdf for this and will continue there on Thursday.
Note that next week there are no lectures but I plan to use wonder.me for interactions. Please let me know if you don't like that Interface, I can also switch to using big blue button (Canvas conference).
Pictures of blackboards are here.
If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - XII, DLP I - VIII, hash I - V, symmetric I - VII (the first 4 are on Tomer Ashur's channel), and RSA I - VI and IX - XI, the latter only half.

I wrote that there would be a 7th HW but realized after the lecture that you would not get the corrections back in time. I had planned on doing a Coppersmith exercise. Instead I have changed the settings on Ans for the practice test so that you can get automatic feedback on the Coppersmith exercise there.

20 Oct 2022
Coppersmith's attack uses LLL to find a polynomial with bounded coefficients. A theorem of Howgrave-Graham gives a bound on how large the root may be so that the resultig polynomial as it as an integer root (instead of just a root modulo p or modulo n). This shows why the example on Tuesday recovered all of p from knowing the top 2/3 of the bits of p. Using just a 2x2 matrix would not have worked. We covered how to set up the systems in general and did stereotyped messages as another example. See rsa-11.pdf for the details of the example.

In the lecture I got stuck in showing that bigger matrices allow us to reconstruct larger parts of p. Where I messed up was that I was keeping b^k=p instead of going up there as well. So, the next I should have done was a system modulo p^2, by taking n^2, n*f, f^2, X*f^2, X^2*f^2. This means that the matrix would be

[X^4,2*a*X^3,a^2*X^2, 0, 0],
[ 0, X^3,2*a*X^2,a^2*X, 0],
[ 0, 0, X^2,2*a*X,a^2],
[ 0, 0, 0, X*n,a*n],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0,n^2]
which has determinant n^3*X^10 approximately p^6*X^10. The second condition for Howgrave-Graham is then that the 5th root of this is less than p^2 which means that X is less than p^(2/5) (which is larger than p^(1/3)).
The next step would be to make a system modulo p^3, starting with n^3, n^2*f, n*f^2, f^3, including also X*f^3, X^2*f^3, X^3*f^3. This reaches X < p^(3/7) (which is larger than p^(2/5)). As you can see we're getting closer to p^(1/2) which is the asymptotic limit of this method.

Try setting up a matrix for stereotyped messages with e=5.

Index calculus attacks have many similarities with the number-field sieve attack: again we replace one hard computation with many easier ones. Here we solve the DLPs for many small primes by setting up a system of linear equations (to get there we again need to factor). Note that these attacks require fixing a factor base for which it is easy to see whether a given element factors over it. We have this for finite fields (including extension fields) using factorization into integers (or irreducible polynomials) but not for elliptic curves over finite fields. That's why we can safely use elliptic curves over fields of size 256 bits while the DLP in finite-field needs to have 3072 bits to be equally hard. See ff-dl-2.pdf and ff-dl-4.pdf for index calculus attacks (that's why the clock group is not good) and ff-dl-3.pdf for resulting keysize recommendations.
Pictures of blackboards are here.

If you're following this course with the short videos from last year: we have now covered ECC I - XII, DLP I - VIII, hash I - V, symmetric I - VII (the first 4 are on Tomer Ashur's channel), RSA I - VI and IX - XI, and finite field DLPs II-IV.

25 Oct We got a lot of questions, and that's good. Some relevant ones are
Question: An exam used Pohlig-Hellman in F_p^* while we have done it only in E(F_p). Does that mean this exercise is out of scope?
Answer: No. We have seen this method in one group, I expect that you can apply it to another group.

Question: Where do the polynomials come from in the above notes (fix for Coppersmith) from 20 Oct?
Answer: We need to go to higher powers of p to get a better bound in Howgrave-Graham. For the higher power of p, e.g. p^i, we can use f^i in place of f as the polynomial, but now that has degree i, so we need to fill up with expressions that are also 0 mod p^i and contribute as little as possible to det(M). Since X is smaller than n it's better to use increasing powers of f along with decreasing powers of n rather than of n alone. You could fill the diagonal with X^jn^i but that would lead to a larger determinant (check this). This explains everything up to

[ 0, X*n,a*n],
[ 0, 0,n^2]
for i=2, but this gives a very bad bound on X. So we continue as before and include X*f^2, which gives a better bound, then X^2*f^2, which gives an even better bound. Including also X^3*f^2 does not improve the bound further and going for higher powers of X alone actually makes it worse. That's what I ran into for the simple example I did in class (forgetting to go up to p^2, p^3, ....). It's probably good for you to check this yoursef to understand what I mean.

Question: We have an upper bound on the length of v1 coming out of LLL and an upper bound requirement in Howgrave-Graham. How can we combine them?
Answer: The matrix is set up to have the right powers of X in each column, so each output vector, interpreted as a polynomial, is of the form g(xX) as required by Howgrave-Graham. We can be sure that the attack works if the bound from LLL is less than the required bound from HG, i.e., if X is such that 2^((d-1)/2)(det(M))^(1/d) < b^k/√ d
When we build the polynomial to search for roots (g on the slides and backboard, Q in the sage example) we divide the vector entries by powers of X because the output vector would match g(xX) while we need g(x).
A a general comment regarding success in using Coppersmith's method: We might be lucky and have things work even if the bound above is not satisfied, e.g. by LLL outputting a much shorter vector, so as an attacker it's always worth trying. As a defender you don't want to get anywhere near the territory where these attacks matter.

Please let me know if I'm forgetting/not knowing your favorite Q&A and should add it here.

227 Oct We will again meet on wonder.me for instructions. Try solving some old exams and bring your questions. The URL is shared on Canvas (same as on Tuesday).

What's next?

Here are a few courses that you might find interesting:

Old exams

Old exams by me:

Andreas Hülsing gave the course in 2018. His exams are available online Henk van Tilborg has agreed that I put up his old exams for you to practice: