Summer School on "Elliptic Curves in Cryptography"
September 12 -16, 2005

in Copenhagen, Denmark

In conjunction with the "9th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography -- ECC 2005" the research centre Foundations in Cryptology and Security and the Department of Mathematics at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, organize a summer school on elliptic curve cryptography . The summer school will take place immediately before ECC 2005, which will also being held in Copenhagen.

The workshop is intended for young researchers and practitioners interested in learning the background of elliptic curve cryptography. The topics of the summer school range from the basic ideas of discrete logarithm based cryptography and finite field arithmetic to side-channel attacks and advanced topics such as point counting. During the week of lectures the participants get a full tour through most of the exciting background on elliptic curves. The summer school provides an excellent basis for attending ECC 2005, which is held just after the summer school.

This school will be similar to the ECRYPT summer school on ECC held last year in Bochum.

The topics include


The school will begin at 09 a.m. on September 12th and end at ~ 5 p.m. on September 16th. For the afternoon of September 14th an excursion is planned. We make a guided tour of the channels around Copenhagen and a walk through the city center. That evening we have a conference dinner in RizRaz in Kompagnistrade.


A preliminary schedule can be found here. All lectures take place in Building 306, Auditorium 38. For the programing excercises we will be in Building 302, room 92.
We will have lectures in the morning and exercise sessions in the afternoon. The execises consider mathematical questions as well as programming tasks.

The lectures will be delivered by the following list of speakers:


The summer school is made possible due to generous support by FICS - Foundations in Cryptology and Security.

For further information, please contact:

    Tanja Lange
    Institute for Mathematics
    Technical University of Denmark
    Fax: +45 4588 1399
    Phone: +45 4525 3007
    Voice mail: +45 3696 7248